Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trying to Get Press

Recently, I have been working on gathering more email addresses to send out press releases. It's a tedious job. I found a great site that links us to ALL the websites for television stations in the nation, and lists the top 100 TV markets and more: http://www.stationindex.com. Yet, it does not list the contact information for these sites. So, I have been methodically going to each website and getting the email address, phone number, Facebook page address, Twitter name, etc. for these stations and creating an EXCEL file with this information.

Some stations do not have email addresses and instead use online submission forms. For these, I keep the link to the submission page and I also actually submit a story idea:

David Jon Sponheim is running for President of the United States under America's Third Party. You can reach
him at americasthirdparty@gmail.com. He is a centrist- fiscally conservative and socially liberal. He has many new ideas for America, including a Homestead Renewal Plan and an Ocean Pipeline.

He just released a book entitled "Hybrid Capitalism." The concept behind this new type of economy he proposes is that the government can compete in the free market without taking over any industry.
Every weeknight, David Jon Sponheim hosts a video chat show at www.blogtv.com/people/americasthirdparty - you can also find out more at www.americasthirdparty.com

David Jon Sponheim will be seeking to be a candidate for Americans Elect.
Americans Elect is a 501c4 that will be holding an Online Convention to choose their Presidential candidate.
You can sign up to be a delegate at www.americanselect.org

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