Monday, January 30, 2012

On Financing and Splitting the Vote

A lot of people ask, "Who is Financing Americans Elect?" and/ or say "This will just Split the Vote." Here are my thought on these issues:

Only donors who actually reveal THEMSELVES are public. So, it is a personal choice of the donors. I did tell the leadership that all donors should be strongly encouraged to reveal themselves and IF they all disclose, that AE should then make a public statement in that regard. I think this would go a long way toward building the movement. One interesting comment Jake Brewer made in regards to this is that the Presidential candidate chosen by Americans Elect will be in a better position to not kowtow to these large money contributors. Especially since the Board of Directors and anyone who works for Americans Elect cannot endorse or support a candidate. They must remain neutral. Therefore, this process really gives the power to the American people. It begins to build a direct Democracy - You choose the issues. You nominate the candidates. You pick the President. In my opinion, this is much better than the illusion of choice we are currently given by powerful elitists who contribute to the Presidential candidates and then come knocking on the door for a favor once the person is elected.

On the issue of "Splitting the Vote" both Democrats and Republicans have been controlled by the same powerful monied interests for far too long. I believe it is time to SPLIT THE VOTE. However, I do have to say that Americans Elect has put some safety nets in place if this SPLIT is actually not big enough to make a difference. If Americans Elect wins the electors in one or more states, but not a majority of the vote, they will have the delegates vote again to determine who these electors should vote for from the other candidates. 

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