Sunday, January 22, 2012

The frustrations of writing a book

Whrn I woke up, I wrote the previous blog, from bed on my eReader. Then I spent a couple of hours doing internet work -reading posts on facebook and an article about Americans Elect. I signed up for a Politico account, but I did not comment on there, yet. I created an event on Facebook for the upcoming AE conference and invited my politically-minded friends. I also did some corrections on our website, including limiting the number of posts on the front page to 3.

When David got up, he was admiring our book. He realized that some of the bibliographical information was missing - the last page and a half. So, I started the program we used to edit the book, Booksmart by Blurb. It had deleted the information. Perhaps this happened if we saved and closed the program and reopened it before uploading it. Booksmart is one of the worst programs I've ever worked with. We would have been finished with the book much sooner, or would have written much more, if that program had not kept crashing on us. When it did crash, it would delete huge amounts of information. The only way we got through it and actually published a book was through sheer tenacity and determination.

Anyway, I reuploaded the book. Of course, the link I sent in the email that went out yesterday was to the wrong version. So, I posted a link to the corrected version in the description section of the previous version. I then sent an email to the support team telling them what happened and asking them to do an auto -redirect from the old version to the newer version. I don' t really have hope that they will actually honor my request, since they have not responded to other emails.

I decided to go through the book and save each chapter in a file. That took quite a few hours. Then, I researched how to self-publish a Kindle book on Amazon. The ebook through blurb that I bought was unreadable on my eReader - it completely jumbled the words.

Now, I have to go through and put all the book into one Word file and do some special formatting to prep the book for the Kindle. I trust Word more than Booksmart.

Right now, I need to post the updated links to the newest version of the book on our website and on our BlogTV page.

I think the only writing I'll do for a while is here or in my journal.

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