Sunday, January 15, 2012

America's Third Party and Americans Elect

I am co-founder of America's Third Party and campaign manager for David Jon Sponheim For President. We are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. We believe the government should help provide for the citizenry, but do so in a cost effective means. We recently published a book called "Hybrid Capitalism" which lays out many of our new ideas for America.

It's time to get back to the basics and focus on water, food, housing, healthcare, transportation and renewable energy. Our innovative ideas include an ocean pipeline which will bring seawater inland and use passive desalination to provide freshwater in Central California and other desert areas. We will use the salt from this system in concentrated solar plants. We also propose solar rooftops, power-pole windmills and many other ideas.

In 2008, we started America's Third Party and I ran for Washington State Senate. During that campaign season, I heard about Unity 08 and tried to volunteer for that organization. Unfortunately, Unity08 closed up operations shortly after I signed up. Since then, I have been researching ballot access laws for third party and independent Presidential candidates. When I heard Americans Elect was started by the same people involved in Unity08, I emailed to ask how I could volunteer. This was Spring/Summer of 2011. Kellen Arno spoke with me and said he had been looking at my website ( while researching ballot access information.

I understand how difficult it is to get on the ballot as a Presidential candidate, and I am excited that Americans Elect is working on attaining ballot access in all 50 states.

I told Peter Arno, the Northwest Regional Director of Americans Elect, how to create Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups. I've told our supporters about Americans Elect and encouraged them to sign up as delegates. I've made my voice heard and encouraged Americans Elect to change their Rules as they applied to "Contingently Qualified Candidates." I believe this will not only level the playing field, it will encourage more grassroots campaigns to join the movement.

I hope that the ballot access process can be more fair. Americans Elect can provide for this venue. By getting and maintaining ballot access in all 50 states, they can change the paradigm. No longer will powerful two-party interests have the only voice in the process. Instead, ALL Americans will participate in the convention. This brings our candidate selection process into the 21st century.

We need to work together to provide a brighter future. We need to balance the budget and still provide for our citizenry. For instance, we can create a Homestead Renewal Plan to solve our housing issues and have the government earn a return on investment.

It's time to give a voice to the average Americans. That's why we host a show every weeknight at - join us to discuss politics, current events and more.

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