Thursday, January 19, 2012

David Jon Sponheim Should Be Americans Elect Candidate

I wrote this in response to: Americans Elect: The Flaws of the Elite Center by Artur Davis

The two-party system is corrupt. The American people want a chance to BE HEARD. No one can be heard in this corrupt two-party system. Any attempt to change this corrupt, heavily controlled system is a positive venture. Americans Elect has opened up an opportunity for average Americans to become involved in their government. Americans Elect offers an alternative to the two-party system. They are working to bring about a new form of direct representation for the American people.

For over three years, David Jon Sponheim has been running an independent grassroots campaign in America to build America's Third Party. He has been using every avenue possible to get exposure in the media. This effort has been completely independent of Americans Elect. David Jon Sponheim will be seizing the opportunity Americans Elect offers to raise awareness for his Presidential campaign.

The answer to many of the very valid issues raised in this article IS America's Third Party and David Jon Sponheim for President. The American people are seeking an honest candidate who is not bought off by the elite. They want someone who is an average American and can relate to them. Yet, at the same time, they want someone who is intelligent and can lead them out of the mire that our country has devolved into. David Jon Sponheim is the perfect Presidential candidate at this time for America.

David Jon Sponheim is a centrist, but not an elitist. He would agree that, "Too much of the elite... are immersed in a worldview that is famously tolerant and cosmopolitan, but tone-deaf about... their communities [that] are becoming poorer." He will stand up to the elitists that have taken down our nation in pursuit of personal profits. He has worked tirelessly for three years on the internet to reach out to thousands of people using social media networks.

It's time to fight against the powerless and alienation the American people are feeling. You can change this, simply by chatting directly with David Jon Sponheim every week night at 6pm Pacific at - Sponheim has already hosted over 950 shows on blogTV for at least 2 hours each night, interacting with the American people.

David Jon Sponheim is a centrist and can bridge the "fault-lines that are dividing the country." He has a strong border policy and he wants to encourage the American people to invest in alternative energy through the creation of Renewable Energy Saving Bonds.

To put the American people back to work and on a path toward sustainability, Sponheim proposes a Homestead Renewal Plan where people can work fixing up houses they can live in at an affordable rate.

On social issues, David Jon Sponheim believes the government should stay out of the way, for the most part. He defers to state rights on the issue of gay marriage. You can read more about his stances at

No one from Americans Elect has tried to draft David Jon Sponheim for President, yet they will (supposedly) offer the opportunity for any American to Draft a Candidate of their choice. Therefore, I will be starting a Draft Committee on Americans Elect for David Jon Sponheim as soon as they go into the final stage on their Candidate Section.

The reason I will start this draft committee is because Americans Elect offers the potential for ballot access in all 50 states. The way that ballot access rules are written make it extremely difficult for third party and independent Presidential candidates to get on the ballot. Ballot access is the only "gift" Americans Elect will give to a Presidential Candidate.

Why is Americans Elect attempting to gain ballot access in all 50 states? They want to a create a new form of direct representation for the American people. The very name "Americans Elect" says what this organization is about- Having the Americans elect the Presidential candidate, rather than limiting the primary to people who are involved in a particular party. Instead of powerful elitists attending and controlling the convention (as is often the case with Democrats and Republicans), ANY U.S. registered voter can become a delegate and vote in the online primaries and ONLINE National Convention for Americans Elect. To become a delegate, you simply have to sign up to their website, and then SUPPORT the Candidates you like (once this goes out of Beta Stage). Then, vote in early April in a round of voting that will shorten the field of candidates to the top 6 contenders. Then vote again this summer to choose who will be the Americans Elect Presidential candidate.

Americans Elect is a 501c4, a nonprofit organization that can affect political change but cannot endorse or support any particular candidate. They are attempting to bring the primaries into the 21st century by using technology- introducing an Online Convention into the process. In addition, they want to incorporate the entire American electorate. Finally, they want to encourage politicians to work together by requiring the Presidential candidate to choose a running mate who differs from themselves politically.

Americans Elect is not a Third Party in the traditional sense. They do not have a platform that candidates and members must classify themselves into. The Candidates themselves will reveal where they stand on these issues. Then, the American people will choose the candidate that they feel will best serve the needs of the American people. I personally hope they choose David Jon Sponheim.

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