Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Early morning ideas for ATP

It's 4:30am and I can't sleep. Last night, I had a conference call with Americans Elect Northwest, which always gives me ideas on how to grow ATP. The thought that came to me tonight is to create a powerpoint demonstration that supporters could use at a Meetup. It could be fairly simple - who we are, why we started and what we hope to accomplish.
I also need to start working on the candidacy draft committee for David Jon Sponheim - submitting biographical info. and videos to AE. They still have not gone live with the candidate pages, so this will get us into the process early, I hope.
Another thing on my agenda is to contact my members, especially my electors by phone. I know that will take some time, but it will be time well spent. I am thinking ofn reloading phplist onto our website to access the member information over the last year, but not using it to send out anymore newsletters. I might check their site for suggested servers to use for emailing and compare that to the cost of Mailchimp. Maybe I could make multiple Mailchimp accounts, one for electors, one for press and one for general newsletter. I'll also look into google apps for this solution.
Today, after I get some more sleep, I will call Petern Arno to discuss theh AE conference that's coming up in 9 days. Last night, I created an Americans Elect NW Facebook GROUP. Hopefully, that will allow the delegate leaders in thisn area to have better communication between conference calls. That reminds me, I need to look into "Diasporia" - not sure if it's like hootsuite. Anyway, I will ask Peter what email solution they use.
Also on the agenda for today, if I don't get called to work, I will call ALL Senators and tell them to vote NO on PIPA. Maybe, I'll keep a tally of who has committed to voting no, so people can target the other Senators. So far, the 2 Senators from MD and Maria Cantwell from Washington have said they will vote no. Patty Murray is undecided.

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