Friday, January 20, 2012

A Letter to Americans Elect

Dear Americans Elect,

I want to begin by stating that I appreciate the changes you made to the Rules regarding Contingently Qualified Candidates. Although I feel it is still unequal, I appreciate the changes made. I know I had my own agenda, to make it easier to Draft David Jon Sponheim For President to being the Americans Elect candidate. Yet, I want you to know, I truly appreciate what you are attempting to acheive at Americans Elect and I completely support the process, regardless of the outcome.

I understand very well how the ballot access laws, and election laws in general, are stacked against any change. We live in a highly technical world. It is time to UNITE America and bring our Candidate Selection Process into the 21st century. By creating a coalition ticket and introducing an Online Primary and Convention Process, you are acheiving something that seems almost impossible. Keep up the great work and do not get discouraged. What you are attempting to do at Americans Elect is nothing less than affect a complete change in the political system. BRAVO! 

I understand why your have set up your organization as a 501c4 and why you allow the donors/ lenders to not disclose their information. This is the right thing to do at this juncture as the people who go public with support for your efforts may be harassed and intimidated. Many people are scared of this type of political change and will attempt to discredit your efforts. We have a secret ballot in our country to encourage democracy - so that voters are not intimidated or bought by politicians to vote a particular way. Therefore, I believe donors/lenders should have the right to remain anonymous as long as they wish. Although I do not have financial resources to donate to your efforts, I will continue to support Americans Elect through my volunteer efforts. I will not be anonymous in my support of Americans Elect. (Please read: to see how I feel about this).

Please know that any recommendations I make are because I believe in YOU and I believe in making Americans Elect the best possible organization it can be. We are at the very beginning of something truly transformative. You are a valuable part of the process. I have stated for some time that we are starting a social online revolution to avert a violent revolution. We are the re-founding fathers and mothers of America. This process truly has the power to be something bigger than any of us individually can imagine, just like our Founding Fathers may not have realized what a great nation America would become long after their lifetimes.

Thank you,
Sarah Hart

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