Monday, January 23, 2012

Accomplishments and Goals

When I woke up this morning, I spent an hour and an half formatting the book to prep it for the Kindle. I still have to convert it to a webpage format before I upload it. I may also look into Amazon's version of a paperback store, called Create Space.

I just wrote an email to one of our supporters, Jake in Idaho, about an idea I have for a video. I'll have David do most of the Voiceover, or we'll each do a section of the voiceover.
Jake can edit the video which will save us a lot of time.

I'm glad I bought this Pandigital Nova eReader, since I can write draft emails while David is driving, which I am doing right now. Then, I can just send the messages when I get access to a wireless connection. This device is definitely coming with me on the trip.

When I get home tonight, I plan on packing David's clothes. Then, I'm going to print out business cards and flyers to take with us. We will also take a big banner that we have.

Other things I need to do is continue my research of news email addresses and send out the Letter to the Editor I created. I also want to keep on with my ballot access research.

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