Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On The Road Again

It took us much longer than I anticipated to pack the car. We finally left the house at 1:30. We drove through Seattle about 3:30. It's amazing how much traffic there was at 3:30pm on a Wednesday. We have a couple of more days of driving and will arrive in San Ramon in time for the Delegate convention for Americans Elect.

Before I left the house this morning I sent a Press Release to TV stations in San Francisco (and posted on there Facebook walls and twittered them) about the event. I got an email tonight that the Conference will coincide with Americans Elect having a Web-Conference with Delegate Leaders across the country about the Draft Committees for Candidates! This is very exciting news, and I feel like writing another press release.

We are traveling with Amber. I think she was getting a little bit of cabin fever at the house. She only meowed once, when David brought her in the carrier to the car. She settled into his jacket that we had positioned between us. About an hour into the trip, she meowed again. I think she was trying to tell us she didn't feel well, because right after that she threw up. I guess she had a bit of car sickness. After we pulled off the road and cleaned up the mess, she settled back down and slept the remainder of the trip.

We are staying in a Motel 6 tonight. They do not charge a pet fee. We have stayed in quite a few, traveling with Amber across country in the past. She is comfortable in them. David bought her a fabric pet kennel for Christmas, and he put her litter box in there. She finished her wet food and a little bit of kibbles. I just hope she doesn't hide under the bed when we try to leave, as she has a tendency to do when we stay in these places.

I might not post for a few days, since we might camp out tomorrow and then I will be busy with the conference. Do follow me on twitter in case I decide to stream the conference - I'll post the web address on there.  My twitter is

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