Sunday, January 22, 2012

Newsletter -New signup

Yesterday, I made a few edits to a Lettert to the Editor I've been working on. Before I sent it to any publications, David said what I really should be working on is sending out a newslettter, announcing the Release of our book - Hybrid Capitalism. He was really upset we lost our ability to send the newsletter through our website server since the last newsletter I sent, requesting donations, was seen as spam.

Anyway, I checked out Mailchimp, and there free service allowed many more emails than I thought. So, I decided to go forward with using their service. The thng is, I had to remove many email addresses I had gleaned from correspondence from my list, since they require you only use addresses from people who signed up at your website. I now have a clean list for mailchimp.

David helped me create a very nice newsletter which we sent out in the wee hour of the morning. It looks much better than anything I've sent out previously. I may still forward my newsletter to the people I removed from my list and ask them to sign up on our website: - new sign up forms which will input the data into Mailchimp.

David also made suggestions for changes to our website. He wanted the chat buttons above the fold, so they are more apparent to visitors. I just realized, I need to do some more work on this today. I moved the things into the header from a sidebar, but that header only appears on the main page. So, I need to re -add tthem to the sidebar, but make those not appear on the front page. Coding is difficult, because it takes so much time to get everything to look right. That is why I get so defensive when someone criticizes my website. I DO want to get better, but I've already spent huge amounts of time on getting it to the point it's at now.

This morning, I created an event on Facebook to promote the Americans Elect conference I'll be attending this coming weekend. It's at the San Ramon Marriot in California. I'm really looking fotwarde to meeting Peter Arno and other members of Arno Political Consulting and Americans Elect.

Today, I'm going to start packing for the trip. I'm also going to print material for America's Third Party to take with me - lots of business cards, some flyers and some brochures. I'm really looking forward to this event. It has alreadu reignited my passion for politics.

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