Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Americans Elect No USA Parliament

This morning, I spoke with James Ogle from
He's been working on an idea to have a parliamentary style government in the United States.
I had signed David Jon Sponheim up to receive updates from his site and hoped to get some radio coverage. David is not interested in any type of parliamentary system in the United States. I think it would work for the US House to be set up with a different system that gives more opportunity to third party and independent candidates. However, it makes no sense when it comes to the Presidential election. I believe James Ogle has his heart in the right place- he wants to bring candidates together to work to change the system. However, the system he proposes is too complicated. We need to keep any changes simple for the American people.

I like that our platform is simple to understand even though it is definitely a lot to read as well.

Speaking of a lot to read, our book is being printed as we speak. I am waiting until I have it in my hands and proofed on paper before I make the ordering system public for everyone. The name of the book is Hybrid Capitalism. It's about 200 pages long and there are 2 sections. The first section talks a bit about the foundations of America's Third Party and problems with our current system. The second section offers solutions to our problems based on the idea of getting back to the basics and having the government compete in the free market.

Tonight, I had a weekly conference call with Americans Elect. They are getting ready to have a Western Regional Conference at the end of this month in San Ramon, California. We have not yet decided if we will be attending. I think it would be fun to meet a lot of the people from the national team- Elliot Ackerman, Michael Arno, Kellen Arno, Peter Arno and others. If you are located in the Northwest or Southwest, feel free to contact me for more information.

Thanks to suggestions I offered, there have been some recent changes to Americans Elect Rules. I am ready to start a Draft Committee to get David Jon Sponheim to be their candidate as soon as they are ready. Once they have David's information LIVE on their site, we will have until April 3rd to get him at least 50,000 support clicks (5,000 in each of 10 states). That is much better than the 100,000 support clicks within 30 days they were previously requiring of "Contingently Qualified" Candidates.

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