Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Preparing to Travel

Last night, I spent at least another three hours on formatting the book for the Kindle. The good news is, we now have it published for the Kindle. I posted the link on our website and on BlogTV.

Peter Arno should be calling me today to finalize the plans for the AE conference. After that, I will pack the car. That is actually more involved than it sounds. We are going to be taking out the back seat, cleaning out everything that's currently in the car, and putting in a mattress and blanket so we can camp in the car on the way down. I still also have to pack snack food for the trip too. Plus, Amber will be going with us.

Tonight is the AE Northwest conference calpl where we will be discussing committees and electors. I would be willing to serve on a committee, but not as an elector at this point.

While we are on the road, I will be reviewing Kris McAlister's questions/ suggestions on the AE Bylaws. His concern is that ther Board can seemingly over-ride any committee activity. They can also advise the electors if the AE candidate does not win a plurality or the popular vote. Kris' concern is that the Board is not elected by the Delegates. The original Board was appointed by the founding members and future Board members will be appointed by the sitting Board.

It will be interesting to see how Americans Elect evolves. It's almost February and their candidate selection process is not live on their website yet. That is my next big project, to put together a Draft Committee for with all the necessary information so I am ready to go live when they are ready. Until then, I'll post the information on our website.

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