Friday, February 01, 2008


We, at Cool Rock, believe in moving the troops out of Baghdad and positioning them at the border between Iraq and Iran. When we secure the border around Iraq, we can limit the transfer of weapons and terrorists from other countries. In so doing, we can ensure the safety of our troops and allow the Iraqis to rebuild without outside influences. Our Army Corps of Engineers can construct this secure border zone, which could have a 5 mile-wide perimeter, with rolled barbed wire and land mines on both sides. In the middle of the border zone, the U.S. can build an Advanced Rail System to transport Oil, Food and Supplies to and from various regions in Iraq.

The recent decision by England to pull troops out of Basra will leave our American troops more vulnerable to supply route disruptions. Turning to helicopters to supplement our supply line is not the answer, as terrorists have been downing one helicopter a week, on average. Clearly, our troops need to be fortified with a supply chain that is guaranteed. Sectarian violence in Basra and along the border prevents a stable supply route, unless action is taken soon. Securing the Iraqi borders with an Advanced Rail System will guarantee the safety and security of the region for years to come.

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