Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Cool Rock Party Platform

America is Ready for a New Political Party: The Cool Rock Party.

Tired of the two-party system? Not a Republican? Not a Democrat?

You could be a Cool Rocker. You might have just discovered where you belong.

The Cool Rock Party is a Centrist Party. We represent the middle, and listen to the average American.

David Jon Sponheim is running as a write-in candidate for President this year- 2008! In order to affect political change, we must communicate intelligently about all the issues. We are open to compromise and new ideas.

Cool Rock is developing innovative solutions to America's Problems:

  • The National Economy
    • Job Corp Focused on Renewable Energy
    • Become Energy Independent
    • Eliminate Government Waste In Order to Balance the Budget
  • Transcontinental Mag-Lev Rail System.
    • Renewable Energy Design Can Pay For Itself.
  • Transcontinental Seawater Pipeline.
    • Desalination for Increased Fresh Water
    • Use Salt Water for non-potable purposes like fighting fires.
  • Health Care Reform
    • Mobile Medical Units for Preventative Care and Emergencies.
    • Simple Co-Pay Design Covers Everyone.
    • National Pharmaceutical Company to Create Low-Cost Prescriptions
  • Innovative Iraq Solution
    • Increased Automation
    • Get Our Troops Out of Harms Way
    • Weapons-Free Safe-Zones for Refugees
  • Click Here To Read More About Our Platform

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