Friday, February 01, 2008


According to, it currently takes five weeks for food to arrive to famine-stricken districts in Niger, Africa. We believe that food can arrive faster where it is most needed. We are designing bio-degradable food packets that contain life-sustaining food and water for a small family. These packets can be air-dropped en masse to areas where people are starving. We believe air-dropping these packets will get the food to the people who need it most. People who are starving will not have to travel for miles, expending their precious energy, to receive food. This method will also be effective in preventing the food supply from being horded by rivaling factions in any region. One small aircraft can carry one pallet containing 500 individual food packets. Or, many pallets can be carried on a cargo plane.

We realize that immediate crisis relief and temporary supplies of food are only the first step in a long series of events needed to rehabilitate impoverished nations. The U.S. could eventually provide seeds, tools and training to enable people to grow their own food. We also have a plan to create a transcontinental African aqueduct, which will provide water for crops. It will help build agricultural communities that can be self-sustaining. Eventually, these communities may grow the food used to air-drop to other areas in needAccording to, it currently takes five weeks for food to arrive to famine-stricken districts in Niger, Africa. We believe that food can arrive faster where it is most needed. We are designing bio-degradable food packets that contain life-sustaining food and water for a small family. These packets can be air-dropped en masse to areas where people are starving. We believe air-dropping these packets will get the food to the people who need it most. People who are starving will not have to travel for miles, expending their precious energy, to receive food. This method will also be effective in preventing the food supply from being horded by rivaling factions in any region. One small aircraft can carry one pallet containing 500 individual food packets. Or, many pallets can be carried on a cargo plane.

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