Friday, February 01, 2008


Naturally, Peace in the Middle East seems like a lot to ask. The goal is to consolidate a truce among all fighting factions. This can only be accomplished through a systematic de-weaponisation of the region . I recommend a plan for America to have a change of strategy so profound, that it shows our neighbors in the World that we do not want to change their existing order. Instead, we want to offer a new solution to the area's expanding refugee crisis.

I propose building 2 "Super-Safe Zones". One will be located outside of Baghdad; the other will occupy a large part of the Sinai Penninsula. These zones will buffer any population and sectarian violence. The one near Baghdad will be 50 miles in diameter, near the Euphrates River. It will have an outer perimeter which will serve as a barrier blocking the importation of weapons or explosives, including fuel. It will be built using prefabricated recycled materials and will have electric vehicles for transport. The primary energy source will be from Solar and Wind sources. Supplies can reach this area by Railway. Along the border of Iraq that adjoins Iran, a 5 mile wide Corridor can be constructed that guards a central 2 way Rail line. Along this route toward Basra, unmanned tanks will monitor this Railway and offer assistance if necessary.

The second "Super-Safe Zone" will need to have the cooperation and assistance of the Egyptian government. Just as the Camp David Accord provided the land of the Sinai to the Egyptian people, Egypt can lease this land to the U.N.. Security and operating methods will be very similar to the other "Super-Safe Zone". Additionally, desalination of ocean water can supply fresh water to grow food.

These areas can be utilized by all people of the World to mend differences in a weapons-free environment. The social wounds of hundreds of years of sectarian violence are almost too great to resolve in a short period of time. A positive environment that is segregated, yet integrated in parts, will offer a conducive location for this type of healing. Families that choose to participate will be setting an example for future generations to come. Gradually, areas of the Middle East will reach homeostasis. Sectarian violence will subside as a trend toward communication transpires.

Everyone has needs in this region. The more realistic everyone is about how necessary their needs are, the more likely peace can be attained. The possibility of a rogue nation acquiring a weapon of mass destruction is still very possible. However, the likelihood of that occurring is nominal if all players are dedicated to nuclear security and disarmament. Specifically, the threat of nuclear proliferation will be overshadowed by a multilateral search for nuclear solutions to Energy. Clearly the U.S. should provide a tactical buffer zone between nations that have separate intentions. But that should not be based on any ground troop assistance. Let's get our troops out of harm's way. Let's resolve this crisis in the Middle East using détente and strategic creativity.

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