Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Americans Elect Story

My name is Sarah Hart and I love Americans Elect. I have a strong passion for politics and technology, and this organization merges both of these. Americans Elect has the potential to revolutionize the political process.

I am also the campaign manager for David Jon Sponheim for President. In early 2008, David was constantly complaining about the state of the nation. He disliked Bush and did not like any of the candidates that were running for President. I told him to essentially, "Stop complaining and Start campaigning." We started America's Third Party and I ran for Washington State Senate and David ran a write-in campaign for President.

I made an impression on both the Democratic and Republican candidates and got 5% of the vote. I heard about Unity08 by following their activities through the FEC Register. I tried to volunteer for that organization, but they closed up shop.

Since 2008, we have been campaigning for 2012 online using social media. Every week night we host a video chat show on blogtv at www.tinyurl.com/atpblogtv at 6 pm Pacific.

During this time, I have been researching ballot access laws as they pertain to the presidency. I've realized that the laws are rigged against Independent and Minor political party candidates. I have been reaching out to other political organizations. When I heard that some of the same people involved with Unity08 were involved with Americans Elect and they were working on getting ballot access in all 50 states, I contacted them to see how I could help. I was glad to hear they were using my site, with the ballot access research I had done, as a resource.

I became the first Delegate Leader in the Northwest for Americans Elect. I talked to Peter Arno (my AE Regional Director) about how to get more involved in Facebook and create Facebook Groups. I have been involved since before the beginning of our weekly conference calls in the Northwest.

Recently, have been part of the creation of the Web Team / Rapid Response Team in our area. I responded to articles, blogged and wrote Press Releases about the Western Regional Conference. I have been very active on the Delegate Leader Facebook group and I have been tweeting about Americans Elect as well (#WhoWillAmericansElect now that it's a #3wayrace).

As soon as the Draft process opened, I started a committee to Draft David Jon Sponheim to be Americans Elect candidate (www.tinyurl.com/votedjs). I believe Americans Elect provides the best opportunity to gain ballot access for 2012. However, I am involved in Americans Elect for more than that reason alone.

I like the fact that that Americans Elect is providing an alternative nominating procedure and candidate selection process for the Presidency. This has the potential to take the power out of the hands of powerful lobbyists and move in the direction of a more Direct Democracy.

The method Americans Elect is using is by no means perfect. I have advocated to make the system more fair and easier to use. There has been some progress thanks in part to the concerns I've voiced. I still advocate that Americans Elect should require the same amount of "Support Clicks" from all the candidates - eliminate the two-tier qualification process. I also think the process to support candidates should be easier. Finally, I have made suggestions to ensure the online voting that occurs is anonymous, yet transparent.

Americans Elect has the potential to revolutionize the political process. I am happy to be involved on the ground floor of this potential groundswell. We are the re-founding fathers and mothers of America. We are starting a social revolution to avert a violent revolution.

You can follow my political activities by reading my blog at http://ideasforchange.blogspot.com

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