Thursday, January 03, 2013

Random Thoughts at the Beginning of 2013

I need to revamp our website for 2016. David has been talking about a complete re-work of at least the main page. I do want to make it more interactive, but I haven't done so before because we had been hit with spammers and trolls.

I don't understand why lawmakers didn't allow the Bush-era tax-cuts to simply expire in 2010 or now. The last time we did not have a deficit was under Clinton; so, why not go back to the tax rates that were in place whenu he was President? Then, Congress could focus on ways to cut spending. For instance, we could build less multi-million dollar military equipment and use our military personell to guard our bases and maintain military housing, rather than hiring contractors to do this work.

I believe that government should think about new sources of revenue. This is exactly what we propose in our book "Hybrid Capitalism." Then the government can compete in the capitalists system.

I also think that our government isn't pursuing domestic oil in order to save it when the rest of the world's oil runs out. Then, the powers that control the oil can get the most money out of it that they can and be seen as saviors somehow.

As far as Hurricane Sandy victims go, I need to research it more before I can say whether or not $60 BILLION in aid is merited.... As I suspected, there was Pork in that bill, which I'm glad to hear the House cut. 

As school is going back into session, some veterans may choose to stand guard outside of schools. I am not opposed to this. I do want to tell everyone that you can and SHOULD ask to see their identification. This is especially true since the Supreme Court has ruled that people can lie about serving in the military.

Thank you to those of you who have truly served. By the way, it is against the law for some military personell to wear a uniform in public:
The government has this rule in place so that the American people do not feel like we live in a war-zone.

What I would like to encourage is for EVERYONE to volunteer in schools. Many school districts require that volunteers have a background check done and kept on file at the district.
For Veterans involved in Veterans On Watch, I suggest you ask the school permission before standing guard, and volunteer to get a background check done and submit it to the school. This is another measure to protect
our students. Then, volunteer to help in classes and especially reach out to kids who appear isolated.

I believe with LOVE we can help heal our nation.

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