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Sunday, May 12, 2013
America's Third Party May Newsletter
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Random Thoughts at the Beginning of 2013
I don't understand why lawmakers didn't allow the Bush-era tax-cuts to simply expire in 2010 or now. The last time we did not have a deficit was under Clinton; so, why not go back to the tax rates that were in place whenu he was President? Then, Congress could focus on ways to cut spending. For instance, we could build less multi-million dollar military equipment and use our military personell to guard our bases and maintain military housing, rather than hiring contractors to do this work.
I believe that government should think about new sources of revenue. This is exactly what we propose in our book "Hybrid Capitalism." Then the government can compete in the capitalists system.
I also think that our government isn't pursuing domestic oil in order to save it when the rest of the world's oil runs out. Then, the powers that control the oil can get the most money out of it that they can and be seen as saviors somehow.
As far as Hurricane Sandy victims go, I need to research it more before I can say whether or not $60 BILLION in aid is merited.... As I suspected, there was Pork in that bill, which I'm glad to hear the House cut.
As school is going back into session, some veterans may choose to stand guard outside of schools.
http://www.facebook.com/VeteransOnWatch I am not opposed to this. I do want to tell everyone that you can and SHOULD ask to see their identification. This is especially true since the Supreme Court has ruled that people can lie about serving in the military.
Thank you to those of you who have truly served. By the way, it is against the law for some military personell to wear a uniform in public:
The government has this rule in place so that the American people do not feel like we live in a war-zone.
What I would like to encourage is for EVERYONE to volunteer in schools. Many school districts require that volunteers have a background check done and kept on file at the district.
For Veterans involved in Veterans On Watch, I suggest you ask the school permission before standing guard, and volunteer to get a background check done and submit it to the school. This is another measure to protect
our students. Then, volunteer to help in classes and especially reach out to kids who appear isolated.
I believe with LOVE we can help heal our nation.
Monday, June 18, 2012
J programming language
It is definitely different than C++ and Java, which I plan on learning as well to better participate in the lingua franca most programmers have developed. Yet, in many ways, I feel that C++ and Java have become some big that it is difficult for a novice like me to dig in. Plus, I feel they have strayed far from machine code so much that they become bulky and take more processing to implement.
If you look into solving problems on www.projecteuler.net, J takes much less written code to solve these than does C++. So, my plan is to study J and C++ and Java. I have a feeling my favorite will be J.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Perspective Based Reality
I believe reality is based on the perspective of each individual based on where they are situated on the time-space continuum. Some scientists say that the time-space continuum is like a fabric and all potential pasts and futures are already laid out on this fabric. If that is the case, then life is like one giant choose your own adventure book; the story has already been written and we are limited in our choices. Plus, each choice we make limits our future decisions.
I prefer to think about the time space continuum as a series of interconnected crystals, or better yet, torus shapes. We tral along a path like along the edge of a crystal. When we come to a vertex (a point), we have to make a decision on which way to proceed. That decision puts us on the edge of a different side of the crystal until we come to another vertex where we make a decision.
When I think of this as interconnected overlapping torus shapes it makes even more sense (at least for me). Almost even single minute in our lives are filled with decisions, but these decisions are not as limited as an "If...then...else..." statement. Indeed, our daily decisions are only limited based on our physical location on the time space continuum.
Many factors affect our decisions- whether we've had sufficient sleep or enough food to eat, for instance, affects whether or not we get out of bed for a midnight snack. What kind of snack we get (if at all) affects our physical body and th future decisions we make.
Each atom is a torus shape with the electron cloud. These connect and overlap, creating the very fabric of the time-space continuum, which itself if a torus shape or overlapping torus shapes. The thing you need to know about the torus is all lines are curved. So, we are not traveling in a straight line. Instead, we are spiraling through space. I like to think of this as the Fibonacci spiral. Yet, at any point on the spiral, we can choose to enter onto another Fibonacci spiral - multiple spirals interconnected three dimensionally.
Some of the things that have affected my thinking in this process are: www.thrivemovement.com - which introducd me to the torus shape in their video, www.larouchepac.com/rteimann1 - which describes some of Reimann's theories and another video or two from youtube on the time-space continuum.
A friend of mine (SymbolicCenter from our chatroom) got me into thinking about making decisions and other people as well. Some people pray to be "in the right place at the right time." This depends on the decisions they make to position themselves there. I pray for the best possible outcome for myself and all those involved. I believe positive energy and light can ensure this happens, or at least helps us make positive decisions.
My father once said, "You can do anything you want in life, you just have to be willing to accept the consequences." The consequences will happen, whether or not you accept them, based on the decisions you make. Choose wisely and good luck.
Monday, May 21, 2012
American People Not Ready to Seize Power
Recently, I volunteered for Americans Elect, an organization that wanted to move beyond the two party system and put America's choice for President on the ballot. People had the opportunity to draft anyone they wanted, including the current President and people running under the Republican party. The only caveat was that the person must choose a VP that was different than themselves ideologically in order to "balance the ticket."
Unfortunately, people did not show enough interest in Americans Elect for any candidate to advance into the primary round. Perhaps, the American people just aren't ready for this kind of power.
The American people are content commenting on social media sites, REACTING to what is in the news, but they are not comfortable actually steering and guiding the conversation. Plus, a key factor is their desire to stay anonymous on the internet. Americans Elect asked people to verify their real identities and they were registered voters before they could support candidates on the site. This is primarily where efforts broke down. People prefer to remain anonymous as much as possible in this digital age, including many of the donors to Americans Elect.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Americans Elect Afterthoughts
Perhaps a lot of people were hesitant to get involved due to the account security verification process. There is a huge difference between clicking a support or like button and the complex account security on the AE website.
I tried to tell AE to just use a "Like" or Facebook coded "Support" button to show candidate support during the primary process, and they could even limit it to people over 18 living in the US, like Votocracy did. I truly tried to connect these two organizations early on.
However, AE insisted on high security in the support process. I felt the security was definitely needed in the voting process (which never happened), but not needed to show support.
Many people were turned off by the process when they were asked to reveal the last 4 digits of their Social Security numbers, not to mention the questions that AE seemed to know personal info. About the person getting verified. This information came from Aristotle- an informational database aggregator.
From the perspective of the end-user, it seemed personally intrusive, especially in the digital age of phishing emails and scammers. We are told not to reveal personal information over the internet for fear of potential identity theft. Yet AE asked for this information simply to support a candidate.
Maybe next time, AE will hire more programmers (maybe the ones from Votocracy) so the support process will be easier, but the voting rounds will still be secure. It would definitely help to have more Facebook integration.
Perhaps many people just didn't know about Americans Elect. During the last month or so, I started calling television stations across the country and newspapers in my state. Many of these press people had never heard of Americans Elect. If I had started this process sooner, or if the paid Press Team had taken on this effort, the organization may have gained more traction. Oftentimes, we wait for the press to discover us, when we need to do the work of putting ourselves out there. Plus, if we do as much work as we can for the press, the more likely they will run a story about us. I hope that the negative press of AE not succeeding in this election prevents us from moving forward in the future.
AE volunteers developed "Rapid Response" teams to try to respond to negative press. In the future, I think more effort can go into developing positive stories. In addition, I think money should be spent on cable television advertising. I tried sending information about this to Americans Elect. I know they may have been hesitant to do so because of FEC regulations that require donors to be revealed who engage in electioneering communications. We should have more clarity about this from the courts by the next election.
I do believe a lot of people who would have otherwise gotten involved with Americans Elect were hesitant to do so because the donors were not revealed. I understand their desire to remain anonymous, even though we were asked to reveal our identity through the account verification process. To see where I stand on Anonymity, read my poem at www.americasthirdparty.com/NotAnonymous
I just hope the Ackermans and other financial backers did not become disheartened for the future. The American people are not ready yet, but I really think they could be ready in 2016. I look forward to working with the organization in the future.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I'm campaigning for Sponheim, and bringing people to AE, which will help America's Third Party and Americans Elect organizations become more viable. I am going to focus on TV stations and push the May 8th Online Caucus that all Americans can participate in.
Even if we have some overlap in our efforts, it's not bad. As a teacher, I was told studrnts have to hear a concept aboutt 5 times before they get it.
Here's what you can say when you call, "I have a great news story for you." At this point, they will usually transfer you to the newsroom where you have to make a pitch. Here's what I said, "I have a great news story. Washington State resident, David Jon Sponheim is running for President of the United States. He is working to get on the ballot in all 50 states through an organization called Americans Elect, which will be holding an Online Primary on May 8th to choose their Candidate. Any US citizen can participate."
For non- Washington State I'll say, "On May 8th, Americans Elect will be holding an Online Primary to choose their Presidenttial Candidate. All Americans can participate in this process. I personally support David Jon Sponheim from America's Third Party."
If they want more information, offer to send tham a press release. Get their email address and send it to me and I will send them a Press Release.